The Thrill

Daily writing prompt
Describe one of your favorite moments.

It is actually not easy to pick just one among many, but here goes…

One of my favourite moments is when I book flights for holiday abroad. The thrill when I search for the best flight–the ones affordable and scheduled conveniently–then finally book them. Planning a trip or a holiday abroad can be very tricky for me because leave permissions are not given easily in my workplace and there are just so many uncertainties, therefore planning a trip is usually full of drama and anxiety.

In the past few years, I usually book the flights when there are travel deals because that way I can save a lot of money to fly full service airlines. As a middle class person in Indonesia, price factors will always be something that affect my decision. The offered flights themselves are usually still several months away and I have neither secured my leave nor hold the required visa to enter the country, but I have to make quick decision before the cheap tickets run out. And because the deal tickets are not refundable, it also feels almost like gambling because I could lose my money if I fail to fulfil the preconditions before the trip.

Anyways, despite all the worry I still feel great once I secured the tickets. Planning a trip never fail to give me a sense of expectation–something exciting to look forward to even before the trip starts. There will be so many exciting things to do, like booking the accommodations, familiarise myself with the transport system to get around, create the itinerary and browse for interesting places to visit, apply for visas and so much more. I have a lot to learn and for something that I am really interested in.

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