Rainy Season

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite season of year? Why?

What a wonderful coincidence, as it is now raining where I am. And there it is… to answer the question, rainy season is my favourite season of year.

I used to love rainy season more than I do now because I used to think that rain gives romantic and mellow ambience to enjoy the time. Being inside your house, warm, dry, safe and sound, curled up in a blanket with your cats or loved ones, sipping a hot beverage you hold in one hand and looking through the window. Maybe the heavy rain cut the electricity and you have to light up some candles. The sky is dark, raindrops hit the window panes, wind blows the tree branches and making them dance. That’s such a comforting image about rain.

Now I understand that rain can also means major inconveniences.

Imagine it is early in the morning and you’re getting ready to go to work, in a hurry too because you want to catch the 5.40 train, you don’t have a car to take you to the train station, you open the door and suddenly it rains. You’re going need extra time to put on the rain coat to cover your body, take off your shoes and keep them in your backpack, wear sandals, then ride carefully because people tend to drive more carelessly when it rains. When you get to the station you will need another extra time to take off your raincoat and bag them, and you already miss your train and have to take the next one which is more crowded.

Photo by Oleksandr P on Pexels.com

It is not that bad? Okay. Now imagine you’re at work. It is nearly 5 PM, you’re finishing work, exhausted to the bone, then you look through the window to see how dark the sky is then the downpour starts. It’s going to be hell in Jakarta, basically it is a matter of luck to go home now. It will not be easy to hail a ride, the traffic will be insane, and good luck waiting for the bus to take you to the train station because the jam will block them. Once, it took me more than 2 hours from office to the train station (distance between two places is less than 4 km away) because the buses were scarce due to traffic congestion everywhere. Scarcity of transportation options do not happen only in Jakarta but also in the surrounding suburbs including mine.

Fine, I know they don’t happen everyday, but still… the inconveniences caused by rain can be very painful sometimes. I guess that is just how it plays out, everything comes with a price and I have to accept that.

Baca juga: Berkebun di Akhir Pekan

I still like rainy season better than dry season though. The air is always way fresher and cool to breathe, especially in the morning. I can see blue sky more often because rain washes away the pollution haze. Rain also means healthy plants in my yard because somehow plants like rainwater better than water coming out of the garden hose. Finally, do you realise that sunsets in rainy season are always spectacular? Dry season sunsets always look bland and boring to me, but during rainy season the sky colours are very playful you see not only stark orange but also other hues like pink and grey, and the cloud formation adds the drama. Breath taking.

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