Little Windows

There is something about blogging that I don’t think can be replaced by common social media we have nowadays like Instagram or Twitter or even Facebook. Coming back to blogging after a period of hiatus and starting to write every day and also blog walking somewhat open my eyes that blogging is one of a kind.

Among all of them, I have always been drawn to personal blogs. People writing and telling stories about how their day went, their hopes and dreams, the local places they visited, the food they tasted, cakes they tried to bake, people they met. I cannot get enough of them because they are beautiful. Sometimes they are so mundane yet very human. It feels as if I am looking through thousands of little windows and I get to take a little peek through them. Just today I came across a post about writer’s memory when she was a little girl hanging laundry with her grandmother who lives in a small town. These sort of posts always feel like a warm embrace in cold nights.

Another type of blogs that I really find fascinating is the ones writing about places which are unknown to most people. Places like Bretagne in France, Favignana of Italy, Puerto Escondido of Mexico, Hillman Marsh Conservation Area in Canada, and many others.

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on

Of course those sort of contents can also be available everywhere in social media. However in blogs, we can focus more on the writing instead of the pictures or the videos, it is so much more calm and not overstimulating causing endless mindless scroll. Reading blogs are like savoring a glass of wine, you do it slowly by reading every words and closely observing every pictures. I just love it.

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